Plaky Blog
Learn how to improve project management and team management in our detailed blog posts featuring practical tips, expert opinions, and free templates.
Master Project Prioritization in 5 Easy Steps (+Templates)
Project prioritization is the process of deciding the best order for tackling projects, typically based on criteria such as impact, urgency, importanc…
How to Write a Project Proposal in 6 Steps (+ Template)
6 steps for writing a compelling project proposal · 1. Write an executive summary · 2. Describe the project background · 3. Present a solution….
149 Hard Work Quotes to Keep You Motivated
Quotes about hard work and dedication · “I learned the value of hard work by working hard.” · “Hard work keeps the wrinkles out of the mind an…
Sprint Backlog vs Product Backlog: 7 Key Differences
A Product Backlog contains prioritized tasks for the whole project, while a Sprint Backlog outlines work for the following Sprint….